Seasonal Infectons (BG)

The infections of the world have many faces and many masks…  This is a special Bulgarian collector’s edition featuring selected stories that bind together past, present, and perhaps even future. Poignant perspectives, individual journeys within a backdrop of global calamity, and, ultimately, the will to remain infected with…LIFE.   Including Argent’s first multi-media quest with bonus content!

Time to read: 1 min.

The infections of the world have many faces and many masks…
This special Bulgarian collector’s edition features selected stories that bind together past, present, and perhaps future. Poignant perspectives, individual journeys within a backdrop of global calamity, and, ultimately, the will to remain infected with…life!

Enjoy Argent’s first multi-media quest with bonus content!

To view and purchase this issue, go here: Argent BG – Seasonal Infections, Winter 2022.

Written by Argent Publications